Hello education providers, college students, fresh grads, mentoring fans and all who are passionate about developing the next generation of professionals and leaders through mentoring. Join us in celebrating the launch of the MeetMentors website. www.meetmentors.org!
About MeetMentors
MeetMentors is an online mentoring platform dedicated to providing training and advising support for college students, fresh grads and talented youth in Africa, to enable them achieve their full potential. Our mentors come from diverse academic and professional backgrounds and posses extensive global experience in their field of expertise. Our goal is to connect talent with opportunity.
Who can join us?
It’s pretty cool. It all starts with your desire to become a mentee, mentor, or partner. Individuals can connect with us for mentee or mentor positions. Academic institutions and training organizations interested in developing talents, potentials, and dreams can also connect with us.
How it works
At MeetMentors, we focus on academic, career, talent and leadership development. We connect mentors and mentees based on their backgrounds and goals. Our 2 unique matching methods are Mentor-to-Mentee (M2M) and Couple-to-Mentee (C2M).
We are glad to have you here! Welcome to MeetMentors. Go ahead, explore our content and let us know what you think. 😉