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Mentee Spotlight - EQUiP 2022 :Mary Esther Zulu

Writer's picture: George SarkodieGeorge Sarkodie

The question is not only who can be your mentor but also who can you mentor?

Mariela Dabbah


I am an energetic, vibrant, versatile, adaptable and a team player. I’m quite active in my spare time and I like to feel I am developing personally, spiritually, mentally and professionally. I am a type of person one can describe as “work hard, play soft”. I enjoy keeping fit through dancing and, whilst I am not gym obsessed, this activity helps me maintain a positive mindset as it helps raise my concentration levels.

On the other hand, I enjoy writing and reading. I actually have a good book on the go “WISHES FULFILLED, MASTERING THE ART OF MANIFESTING” by Dr Wayne W. Dyer. It’s a great book for learning how to take ownership of your life and make fine decisions. I am overly artistic - this includes my love for acting and taking chances in this fast growing industry in Africa. I am also currently learning how to do make-up. I find this fun and enjoyable and I'm looking to build make-up into a career too.

Finally! I enjoy watching breath taking presentations with much fluency in English language. I'm mainly interested in acquiring public speaking skills and merging it into a value of communication.

Throughout life I have been through a conditioning process that has created a mindset overflowing with I am nots. As a school child with satisfactory grades on my report card, I thought to myself I am not smart. I found myself not being celebrated so I thought I was not talented. These and similar experiences were constantly repeated throughout my development years and adulthood.

Mentorship Matters

It has preserved my life and my becoming. I must reckon that from the time in 2016 October, when I decided to subject myself to be mentored at SET APART INTERNATIONAL, founded by Pastor Gladys Paswani, I began to see a transformational change in my life and mind.

I now sit under a mentorship hub called the KUPES YOUNG WOMEN’S NETWORK, founded by Lady Norena Utoya Chiteba, where I am on a growth track program as a KUPES mentee. This mentorship journey has taught me of transformed mind and the importance of networking and personal branding. Under these two mentorship umbrellas, I am slowly but surely becoming a transformational leader in my society.


Growing up, the only idea that communicated to me as “Leadership” was men in suits standing in front of microphones. However, a saying that shifted my mindset by Steve Job, former CEO of Apple was “it doesn’t make sense to hire smart people and then tell them what to do. We hire smart people so that they can tell us what to do”.

I started my leadership roles as an adolescent when I was recruited as a Lead Facilitator on Sexual Reproductive and Health Rights (SRHR) under SAFAIDs. I led a total of 15 girls for two years from 2012-2014 and left the role when the project completed.

I then moved on to a leadership role in my church where I was leading a number of youths as a life group leader. And lastly! At a family level, I was appointed as the property administrator to take full responsibility of my two dependents. Even though I face day-to-day challenges, my idea of being a leader is what motivates me to move on in life.

Career Goals

My career goals are meant to feel natural to me - within my abilities and talents. Therefore, my long-term goal is to ensure I create endless opportunities for myself and others to grow. I plan on building strategic and lasting relationships that will help me further my pursuits. I aspire to become a consultant on how to attract scholarship grants to maximize my income.

In media, my fundamental goal is to work for the British Broadcasting Network, in the role of a presenter. I have conformed my ideas to this network and I see my long-term future with this channel. Hence, my career goals will not be realized in a slow working environment.

From the MeetMentors team and your colleagues in EQUiP 2022, we wish you all the best.

About EQUiP

EQUiP is a talent and leadership focused training, designed to prepare young Africans to live intentionally and purposefully, while impacting the lives of others. EQUiP is organized and delivered by MeetMentors


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